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Onderzoeken die mij in het bijzonder aanspreken:
Wat bepaalt of je iets wat je heel graag wilt, ook echt gaat doen?
NWO-onderzoekers hebben ontdekt dat een complex verkeersknooppunt in je brein, de caudate, zorgt voor de koppeling tussen verlangen en gedrag. De onderzoeksresultaten maken een beter begrip van verslaving, depressie en de ziekte van Parkinson mogelijk. Het onderzoek is op 20 juli 2011 gepubliceerd in het Journal of Neuroscience. LINK |
Verschillen tussen ADD en ADHD
Een samenvatting van onderzoek (2011) naar de verschillen tussen ADHD en het het overwegend onoplettend type. LINK |
Genetic Polymorphisms that may affect EF skills differentially in Males and Females
While males benefit from the version of the COMT (catechol-o-methyltransferase) gene that results in higher dopamine levels in prefrontal cortex (PFC), might females benefit from the version of the COMT that clears dopamine from PFC faster?
We expect to replicate previous findings that men homozygous for the Met version of the COMT gene show superior EF.
However, might women homozygous for the Val version of the COMT gene show better EF performance than women homozygous for the Met version, especially during the point in their menstrual cycles when estrogen levels are high?
Might males and females differ in what dosage levels of dopaminergic drugs are most efficacious? Might the efficacious dosage levels differ for a given woman by what point she is in her menstrual cycle? LINK |
Might decrements in EF skills precede and predict the onset of depression?
People who are depressed tend to show EF deficits, but what comes first, their depression or their EF deficit?
Can certain changes in EF profile and/or circadian rhythm serve as an early warning signal that intervention to avert depression is needed?
What independent and interactive effects do mother’s mood during pregnancy, mother’s mood during a child’s development, the mother having taken anti-depressant medication during pregnancy, and the child’s genotype have on a child’s general development and specifically on the development of EF skills? LINK |
Distinguishing Sluggish Cognitive Tempo From
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Adults
Russell A. Barkley, Ph.D. (2011)
Medical University of South Carolina LINK |
Effects of a restricted elimination diet on the behaviour of children with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (INCA study): a randomised controlled trial. Pelsser LM, Frankena K, Toorman J, et al. Lancet 2011; 377: 494-503. www.thelancet.com | WEBSITE | PDF |
Attention, Memory and the Mind:
A Synergy of Psychological, Neuroscientific, and Contemplative Perspectives
Dharamsala, India: LINK 1 Wetenschappelijk April 6–10, 2009. LINK 2 Karin |
ADD (ADHD without hyperactivity), a Neurobiologically and Behaviorally Distinct Disorder from ADHD (with hyperactivity)
Adele Diamond (2005)
Development and Psychopathology, 17, pages 807-825
Most studies of ADHD have focused on the combined type and emphasized a core problem in response inhibition. We’ve proposed that ADHD of the truly inattentive type is a fundamentally different disorder from the other types of ADHD, with different brain systems affected, different genes implicated, different behavioral profiles, different underlying cognitive deficits, different patterns of co-morbidities, and different responses to medication. LINK |